Life in Korea



Korean(Me) <> English(You), Korean(Me) <> Chinese(You)

Hi, This is Sean Kim. I am male and I am from Korea.

I can speak both English and Chinese, but I would you like to improve both language's skill, and also I can help you guys to improve Korea and communicate with both Chinese and English.

Currently, I am working for company from US in Seoul. I would you like to improve both Chinese and English, and I can help you guys to improve your Korean language. If you gyes want to discuss with me, please add my Kakatotalk. The ID is busstopsjh. 

Thanks, looking forward to hearing from you guys. 


大家好。我叫Sean.现在我在韩国外企公司工作。我之前在中国呆了3年,所以我没问题交流中文而叫你们韩语。请加我的kakaotalk。ID是busstopsjh. 如果你不能加我的kakaotalk, 可以加我的微信,18521416815. 谢谢。